Hours of Operation: Mon thru Sat - 8am to 9pm

  Contact : 215-947-8654

Group Information Request

GOC Groups 

GOC offers a variety groups which run at different times through the year. Below is a list of our current groups. If you would like more information on group availability please fill out the Information Request Form below or call GOC at 215-947-8654 and press option 5. A group coordinator will contact you to provide more specific information, and, if appropriate, help you register for your group. Please note that some of our groups run all year round, while others may not begin until the groups are full.

Social Skills Groups

Registration Code: SS101
Our traditional social skills groups offer the opportunity for individuals with social learning challenges to practice their social skills with peers in a playful, supportive environment. Using a variety of approaches including developmental play therapy, RDI™, and Social Thinking™, our therapists help children and teens to more successfully connect with their peers, improve conversation skills, practice reading social cues, and increase their social problem-solving abilities. Groups meet for an hour each week in the Fall, Spring, and Summer.

Registration Code: SS102
GOC offers adult social skills groups, which allow participants with social learning challenges to confide in each other, share their struggles, and learn new skills. The young adult group pays special attention to issues in the transition from high school to higher education or the work world. Our general adult group helps individuals develop the skills needed to initiate and sustain fulfilling relationships, as well as to cope with stress effectively. Groups meet weekly year-round.

Superflex Group

Registration Code for Teen Groups:SFG10

Superflex is a social group for children ages 8-11 that can help kids with social difficulties develop awareness of their thinking and behaviors and learn strategies for self- regulation. Superflex uses fun activities and playful characters to helps kids get excited about learning new coping strategies

For more information click here or complete the form below.


GOC Groups–Information Request Form

Name of Participant
Name of Parent (if inquiring for your child)
Address line 1:
Address line 2:
Phone number 1:
Phone number 2:
OK to leave a message at phone number 1:
OK to leave a message at phone number 2:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Grade and School if Applicable
Registration Code(s) for the desired group from the list above:
Interested in a group not listed above? Please provide a short description here:
Questions or Comments here: