We provide a full range of psychological testing services for children, adolescents and adults. Evaluations are conducted by doctoral level, licensed, clinical psychologists and certified school psychologists with specialized training and experience in assessment. GOC also offers reduced-fee evaluations conducted by supervised doctoral or post-doctoral level trainees. Our policy is to provide inter-professional collaboration and coordination whenever possible. For learning disabilities assessments or school referrals, we will collaborate with teachers and other school personnel to gather useful information up-front, and to assist in implementation of school based recommendations. We also coordinate closely with primary care physicians, referring professionals, and psychiatrists. Note: we do not contact any outside individuals or agencies without a release from our client or parent/guardian in advance.
When coming in for an initial evaluation, please bring copies of any past evaluations/reports, including IEP requests or reports from schools. To request an evaluation, please visit fill out our online intake form.
Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Assessments
Our ADHD assessments include interviews with parents, teachers, and the students. We then use objective questionnaires to assess the frequency and severity of specific behavior related to ADHD. As ADHD often co-occurs with learning disabilities and/or mood and anxiety disorders, we often recommend a more comprehensive evaluation. Adults who suspect they have ADHD because of difficulties in workplace or home life functioning may also benefit from ADHD assessments. Confirmation of an ADHD diagnosis is especially important for adults who believe they would benefit from ADHD medications, in advance of any psychiatric treatment.
Admissions Testing
GOC provides testing required for admission to private schools and gifted programs.With a signed release from you, we can contact the schools directly to find out their admissions testing requirements.
Learning Assessment for Children and Adolescents
GOC’s process of assessment for learning difficulties and academic performance problems include tests of intelligence, cognition, perceptual processing, memory, achievement and executive function. These tests are used to uncover diagnoses such as reading or math disabilities, as well as auditory, visual processing and/or memory difficulties. We also assess for non-verbal learning disorders and problems with attention and/or executive function. As part of the testing process, we identify the student’s cognitive and academic strengths and weaknesses, and analyze any significant discrepancies among skills. Our assessments result in an individualized report that clarifies the nature of any problems and difficulties and provides recommendations and strategies for the students, as well as schools and parents. We also consider any emotional and/or social difficulties that may be related to school performance problems and, if appropriate, will assess for those as well.
College Students and Adults
College students and adult learners often need learning assessments to help them understand their learning profiles, in order to obtain accommodations and modifications in post-secondary educational learning or testing requirements. Identification or re-evaluation of learning disabilities or ADHD in the adult learner or worker is often the first step to success in college and beyond. GOC has helped adults be more successful on SATs, teacher certification programs, in college degree programs, and in their workplace.
Social/Emotional Personality Assessments
GOC provides assessment of social, emotional, and personality functioning in order to help identify psychological concerns, worries, and areas of stress, and in order to aid in clinical diagnosis. We use clinical interviews, objective questionnaires, tests of personality, and projective tests to obtain information about mental and emotional functioning, interpersonal relationships, perception of self and others. Our comprehensive reports include diagnosis, areas of strength and weakness or difficulties, and clinical recommendations for our clients.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder Assessments
GOC’s assessment of Autistic Spectrum Disorders are performed by clinical psychologists and postdoctoral fellows trained in using “best practices” diagnostic instruments such as the ADOS, ADI-R , and AAA (with adults). Our Autism Spectrum team also utilizes objective questionnaires to assess the frequency and severity of specific behaviors. They may also utilize classroom and home observations in order to gain information regarding social interactions and other behavioral features.
For more information please fill out and submit our online intake form or contact us at 215-947-8654 option 5.